How to use Acoustic IR’s with the Kemper Profiler

In Rig Manager, head to "All Presets" in the left-hand files pane.

  • Open your "Local Library" folder and, as desired, create a new folder within your Local Library for the Acoustic IR's.

  • Drag the Acoustic IR files into this folder in your Local Library.

  • This will convert the IR's into Cabinet Presets which you can then drag onto a rig's "Cabinet" module in Rig Manager to swap the cabinet for an Acoustic IR (or add one where a cabinet was not present).

How to use Acoustic IR’s with the Quad Cortex

  • Log in to Cortex Cloud in your web browser.

  • Head to the Impulse Responses section of Cortex Cloud and import the IR files. Note: the QC uses 48kHz IR's so ensure that is what you are importing.

  • On the QC, open your files drop down menu and in the "Cloud Directories" section, select "Impulse Responses".

  • In the window that appears, either select the IR's you want to download, or at the top of the screen select "Download All", then exit the drop down menu.

  • On your main screen, add a Cab block to your signal chain (the type of cab you select doesn't matter).

  • In the Cab section, click on the microphone name and scroll down the list to "Load IR" where you can select the IR you want to use from the list.

  • Turn off the other side of the cab module for a mono IR, or repeat the process and hard pan each side for a stereo IR.

  • Due to the nature of Acoustic pickups and Acoustic IR's, the output will seem fairly low. We have found best results by boosting the input signal when using an Acoustic, and adding a gain block after the Cab block to achieve a suitable volume.